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墨九爷的小娇妻(重生) 第25节

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James - Ya said: "very good. Having such a sense means that I didn't choose the wrong person. Well, I'm busy here. Hang up. Call me if you have something to do."







James yah said, "have you been exposed in state a? Is there anyone checking you?"


Jian Hai said, "except for the first time I had a positive conversation with Jiang 11 of the Jiang Group, I have never seen Jiang 11 again.I haven't noticed that anyone has followed me or investigated me, and no bad news has come from my subordinates. Master, did you find anything?"

"Hello, is this Mr. Smith?" James Yar asked quickly.


"Yes, who do you want to talk to? Any questions?"Master Smith replied.


"Hello, Mr. Smith, I'm James yah, the leader of the boxing king family. Well, I've received the news that you have also been attacked by hackers. I wonder if you can find out who the hacker is here, and can you think of a way to deal with it. Would you mind coming to our family to discuss relevant matters?" James Ya asked cautiously.


James yah said, "it's good if you don't have it. Keep a low profile. For the time being, don't provoke Jiang Yiyi. That woman is very smart. She will find every trace. You should pay attention! If necessary, you can take advantage of the Chinese named he Zixuan. That Chinese has a grudge against Jiang Yiyi. It's a good plan to use a knife to kill people."


Jian Hai replied respectfully, "OK, master, I understand. I will make good use of it. Don't worry! Since you put me in a foreign country, you also trust me. I will live up to your trust."


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